Samstag, 16. Februar 2008

Sweet music..

Its funny how the people you least expect can have such amazing talents. Take Andrew for instance, he is a very cool, energetic person, with conviction and a very big smile, and little did we know, he had an amazing voice. Well, he practically blew me away in “Consuming Hate”, where he sings, (and does a very good job at that), on stage at Word-stock 06’. The song ‘Consuming Hate’ is extremely powerful, both in words and in song, I believe Tim Drummer originally wrote the words, and Andrew sings (and screams) it.

Ten bullet plan, are an awesome band, though, very little people know about them, or their capabilities. But I surely do! Mark Osborn (my brother), Andrew Forsberg, Jesse Osborn (also my brother), and Tony Fogerty, have created an excellent band. They originally recorded the song “You wonder why”, (which was changed) to “the flood”. I do believe my brother Mark and Tony had written it, though neither will take credit for it.

Though I am very finicky about music, (Lord help me), I have taken a serious liking to both bands. The Lord obviously gave me new music since I had forsaken the old (non-family) music.
