Freitag, 8. Februar 2008

In The Middle of Somewhere

When you do not know many people, or wish you had not know many people, life is difficult. My story is true, so pay attention. All right, let me begin with a subtle introduction of myself. As well as, this mischievous place, I had once lived in. To begin this story we must first take seven steps back into the past, and remember. Though I have no real bitter memories of this place, I will try to remember something interesting.

This Household, which remained branded for parties, was in all, nothing more than that. Especially to the young people who abruptly dropped by every so often, even if we had not asked them to. These parties had contained a certain essence to them, and a clear view of the ignorant people (who were formally involved) had really been like. Because of the wide variety of Alcohol passed unwisely around, many of the fellow inmates had viciously and incongruously flirted and grabbed the poor and innocent souls of that home. Ah, the wonder of this place brings a smile to my face, and yet, it gives me a heavy heart as well.

The singing teams were a nightmarish atmosphere. From the moment, you jump into the automobile, life ceases to exist. Moreover, the singing had to be extremely deafening and courageous to be equal to your teammates. Moreover, those of us who would refuse those “valuable singing lessons” would be instantly tortured with uncanny jokes, and fervent affections. However, I had avoided those situations like The Black Death, and it worked well.

Sarcastic People:

Some days you would try being a bit affectionate towards them, but it would get you nowhere.

Cruel and idiotic creatures were they, with a hint of sincerity when adults would randomly appear. However, they would still try to get you into bed in the process. What good would that actually do? However, I have considered slashing them in their sleep, but I resisted. However, it would have been allot better in the end.

Man Pleasers:

Its common knowledge that no one should actually “man please” but he or she still did. As if something went off in their heads that made them believe they must PLEASE OTHERS. What a joke. However, I still think they are capable of doing whatever they please. Yet, I befall stricken by a quick flash of reality, which states that they cannot.

The Non-Caring:

Shaking our heads at the idiocy that went on in the Home, and wishing the Home members would disappear.

Well, not always. Sometimes we hoped they would be alive, so we could mock their existence. Nothing really mattered except the few important people in our lives.

When visitors came to us, we ignored them. They sometimes asked us if we liked them, and a small smirk would appear on our faces. And what is wrong with an addiction to coffee? It never killed anyone. We also had our perverted moments, but we made up for them with a smile. No matter what we said, we could easily replace it with a big beam, nay, SHINE of smile. However, that was on a RARE occasion. We do not smile too much; it is a waste of space.

Dedicated Beings:

There were not very many of these, but a few remained. They would make everything happy and cheerful, and an occasional atmosphere of fun. However, I did not understand them sometimes. They would seriously confuse me, with all these creeps around them; they would still find time to be happy. Congratulations to you! You were good people.


Most moments you would either be trying to molest us, or praying for us. I am sure you went through a lot, but you still cannot molest people, it is illegal. I looked it up once.

You were not as bad as you seemed. You had your decent times, where you would actually make some sense, and would resist the subject of sex. Maybe if you worked at it more, than you might be able to go a WHOLE day without talking about sex. What do you think?

Computer Geeks/Smarty

They were very valuable subjects. Not easily disrupted, not easily bothered. They had my appreciation because they had the patience for me, which is surprising. Moreover, they play a mean game of cards. I will admit that. They were cool people, because they had good humor, and they knew how to make people laugh, at surprising times. They were also smart in allot of ways, even though they had random women’s eyes on their computer desktop. Nevertheless, other than that, they were cool.


Classy and sophisticated were they, well sometimes. They always charmed those women to pieces, and broke several hearts in the process. They carried a certain “cool” presents about them, unlike others of the Home. Although, they always knew how to have a good laugh, and make fun of people on occasion. They were also very squeezable and cuddly. You wanted to put them in your pocket, so they would constantly be there to squeeze.


It annoyed us a bit, because of the wide variety of women at their side every moment. How could we actually have a decent conversation with them? They were charming, intelligent, handsome, and well, to good to be true. I feel sorry for them because they did not get a moments peace. I do not believe in those stupid little girls hanging all over the only operate who would pay attention to them. It was almost as if the Shakespeare’s were a piece of meat. Humbug I say! I think it is rather uncanny to think someone does that. The point is they were very cool people. They were classy, and highly able to keep up an interesting conversation. So cheers to them.


They were scary! You were a bit too terrified to be near them. Moreover, the only time they were a bit relaxed was with Alcohol in their system (read beginning again). They would randomly yell at you, well, because they could. They could be nice people if they tried. If they actually put in some effort, and since they were commander of the Singing Team, you prayed to sweet JESUS that you were not on the Singing Team.

1 Kommentare:

Jolie hat gesagt…

I wonder what it all means, it is so mysterious, ahem...I know for a fact that the Non-carers actually did care at times, even though only a small amount, they talked about all the idiots in the situation all day, it was food for their displeasure, and they enjoyed the foolishness that surrounded them, and they always will.