Sonntag, 15. November 2009

Ugh, That feeling

Do you ever have a sick feeling in your stomach? And I don't mean from alcohol, drugs or bad sex. The feeling of being fascinated with a total liar.

Recently, my heart skipped a beat with him, my eyes were brighter and everything was happy and exciting. How fascinating was he. But, whenever I asked him if he wanted to go out, then he rejected the idea altogether. Last night, he said yes to going out. So, I as stupid as ever, decided to put make up on, dress up nice and wish for a good night. But, it did not come, now did it? He calls to tell me that he isn't showing up and that he is "so confused" about some situation in which I have no idea.

I sit on my chair for awhile, thinking to myself 'why lead me on, if you never wish to see me?' Yet, how can he help it? He's just a douche bag.


3 Kommentare:

voicewithoutaface hat gesagt…

trust me i think i have that worse than you my boyfriedn sliced my arm open.....36 stitches later he is still the best thing in the world

AprilWilliams hat gesagt…

i think guys are all jerk faces who need to grow up and get their head out of their asses

Sunshine and Shadows hat gesagt…

You write well. I too have met people like him.