Samstag, 6. September 2008

Aha, nice try!

As the days go by I try to remember the sweet scents and wonderful days I spent in my unselfish nature.Now, I have completely misused the word "unselfish" and have done an opposite job when reality kicks me in the head.

It all happened one day, in the smelliest, horrific, most discouraging place you would call a restaurant.I, in my own magical nature, had not noticed the reason for the remark from my coworker.

'You are selfish', she went on. I tried not looking directly into her eyes because it might cause her to have to loosen her tie, or walk out in rage. See, I am not pro rage it makes me hungry.

Fine, I will look inside my heart and figure out what went wrong. Argh, what a terribly, unnoticeable mistake I made.I think I forgot her birthday.Honestly, selfish fits me. It has a certain ring to it.